Risk vs Risk – What’s your favourite biscuit?


If music is in your bones and rushes through your blood like heroine in a junkie, then you’ll know as well as I do that it’s hard to do anything other than that.

The thing is, success in a musical career is not only down to talent, hard work and perseverance, but its also down to luck, who you know, and the right place/right time scenario.

The hard fact is that most musicians I know, including myself, have to work another job to be able to pay the bills, petrol costs to get to gigs and put food (or most importantly, beer) in bellies.
I dislike this job.
It is merely a tool that allows me, financially, to do what I love most of all. And I stick at it because I know I can pay the bills and the fuel and keep my little van warm at night. But what if our “day jobs” are holding us back?
What if we’re missing out on meeting the right people at the right time because we’re at work serving coffee to old ladies all day? It’s the risk most of us take and some may argue we’re playing it safe.

But what if we quit our day jobs and vowed to ourselves to make an actual living from what flows out our veins, fingers and mouths. Yes we’d work hard, every minute of the day, busking in the cold and rain, playing any gig we could (even if it meant playing a whole covers set) just to make sure we had enough money to keep on doing what we love. This i guess, is the high risk route.

A wise lady once said to me “You will be successful. As long as you follow your heart and do what you love always, you will be successful”.

Maybe it’s time to jump in and risk it, even if its just for a biscuit. I do like a good biscuit.

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